Clean and Safe

Discover Pacific Beach has developed a Clean and Safe Program to address not just traditional cleaning and security, but to provide the tools needed to make a positive change to our unhoused  population and to improve the safety and cleanliness of the entire community. With a cleaner environment and a security presence we start to change the behavior of everyone – residents, visitors, and businesses. The goals of Pacific Beach Clean & Safe are to help unhoused individuals by providing jobs and upward mobility and decrease complaints associated with inappropriate and aggressive behavior.

Help Us Continue to Make a Difference
It takes only $34 
from 5,000 community members to keep the district clean and safe for one full year, while finding permanent employment for the unhoused. Discover Pacific Beach is a small non-profit organization. Can we count on your $34 to continue the Clean and Safe Program next year?

*Please note both our Safety Ambassadors and Street Team will not be out every day.  If you would like to contribute to this program to help reach our goal of 7 days a week, please contact our offices at:



You can also easily donate to this program by using Discover Pacific Beach as your charitable organization through Amazon Smile.  There is no extra charge, Amazon donates a portion of any purchases toward our program.  Sign up HERE.

We employed 34 unhoused Pacific Beach Residents
8 of which have found permanent housing options and other full time employment. We also offered over 30 unhoused individuals outreach referral services.

In a single day the Cleaning Team collects over 1.2 tons of trash (2592 lbs). This year we painted and maintained over 30 bike racks and 36 additional trash cans.

Our Safety Team has responded to 1044 calls, the majority of those being Trespassing (442) and illegal lodging (97). We provided 40 hours a week of security ambassadors acting as additional eyes and ears on the street. Our team addressed nuisance behaviors including loitering, littering and even successfully apprehended shop lifters. Additionally we enrolled over 30 businesses into Letter of Agency Program with SDPD to address trespassing issues.

 Download the Brochure

 Download the Progress Report